Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Chemotherapy - Day 31

09.02.09: Chemotherapy - Day 31

Today pretty much marks the middle of my sixty-three-day chemotherapy routine, which is awesome. The better news is that, as far as actual treatments go, I am more than halfway done (thirteen down, eight to go). I'm hopeful that the rest of this cycle will be smooth sailing, and it looks like it will be.

I came back to work on Monday after an up-and-down weekend that I will touch on later. I really think that being able to come to work and actually do something other than sit on the couch and sleep has a lot to do with making me feel better. I have been going strong this week without many problems besides the occasional nauseousness that comes and goes. Most importantly, I've been more energetic during the second week of this cycle than I was during the first cycle. That gives me a lot of encouragement that this weekend I should be able to get out and do something.

Speaking of this weekend, my uncle Anthony and aunt Son Cha from Edmond, Oklahoma will be visiting Saturday. I'm really glad they were able to make the time to come down; I've been looking forward to seeing them and Yassir, a friend from Tulsa that will be coming with them. The plan is to have lunch at the park near the house here in Waterford, and play a game of disc golf. Here's hoping the weather continues to be as nice as it has been lately.

This past weekend I felt good Saturday, but not Sunday. I guess Sunday after the long week is just the day that it all seems to hit me. After my last treatment on Friday I was very tired but didn't want to take a nap, so I stayed awake as long as I could. I ended up going to bed around 9:00 that night, and slept until about 10:30 Saturday morning. I felt a lot better the next day after catching up on all that sleep, and it didn't bother me too much that I wasted a Friday night. I ended up spending Saturday with some friends from work doing a fantasy football draft in Tupelo.

We held it at this Italian restaurant, Vanelli's, at 12:00 and had some pizza (I hadn't eaten pizza or anything like that in over a month, so that no doubt had something to do with how I felt the next day). The draft took a really long time, but it was fun and I got some good picks. Should be a fun season. After that I rode to my friend Adam's house until I finally went home later that night. I don't think I did much after I got home, I was probably tired again by that point.

I woke up Sunday morning feeling pretty nauseous. I had a feeling I might get sick so I spent some time in and out of the bathroom while the rest of the family was at church. When they got home I had a light lunch which did not make me feel much better, and took some medicines in vain to try and ease the stomach. I basically spent the rest of the day around the house waiting to feel better, but nothing ever really happened like during the first cycle. I ended up making it fine through the night and felt decent by the time I got to work Monday morning. By Monday afternoon I was feeling much better, and I have generally kept that going since then.

I'm starting to get an itch in my throat and I've been sneezing a little. I hope that is just some kind of seasonal allergies and not anything more. I had heard that a person in my office that works in another department had come in yesterday morning and left with the flu (I wasn't in the office at the time -- had my chemo session yesterday). So far I haven't had any symptons of anything like that, and I've been keeping the Germ-X handy, but I was really bothered when I heard about that. If I get sick it's going to be hard to get over, so these people with all their sick kids need to stay at home.

I guess now I should get back to work. It has really not been too busy for me, but I have some things I could be working on. Until next time...

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